Benefits of a microservices architecture (µSOA)
Microservices architecture is a software development technique that structures an application as a collection of independent services. These are small pieces of functionality that can be built and deployed independently, allowing teams to work in parallel and follow their own deployment process.
Microservices are a recent development in the history of software architecture. As a result, applications are easier to develop, deploy and scale.
Benefits of microservices architecture:
- Ease of scaling
Microservices can be deployed independently and can be updated without impacting other services. They also have the flexibility to change and grow independently without affecting other services. Microservices architectures support continuous delivery and deployment, with new features being deployed as soon as they are ready, without waiting for a monolithic release process to complete.
- Flexibility
Microservices architectures are ideal for building large-scale distributed systems that need to be assembled quickly and scaled horizontally, with minimal time spent on integration. Different teams can work on their own microservices without any interference from other teams, while having the ability to access shared resources such as databases or message queues if needed.
- Distributed management
Microservices architectures also make it easy to develop complex APIs from simple components that can scale independently of each other and your application's UI layer, allowing you to maintain API compatibility across the board. time, even if the underlying implementation changes significantly.
- Ease of maintenance
It is easier to maintain an application made up of many small parts than a large monolithic part, because you have more control over each individual part, resulting in fewer bugs overall and faster means of action.

In short
Microservices are an architectural style that structures an application as a collection of loosely coupled services. Each service can be developed, deployed and managed independently.
Using microservices has many advantages: (1) It is easier to manage the complexity of a large system by breaking it into smaller parts. (2) It allows teams to work independently and develop their own set of best practices for how they write code and run their services. (3) The microservice architecture is compatible with different cloud or on-premise, virtual or physical, serverless or classic execution systems.
The Aeonics middleware allows IT services to set up this type of microservice architecture in a simple and straightforward way. The system itself is built on this principle, which makes the Aeonics solution extremely flexible and resilient.