All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
Boot |
This is the main entry point of the system
Callback<V,T> |
This class can be used to set a callback method.
Callback.Once<U,S> |
This class specified that a callback handler should only run once and then be removed from the list of handlers.
Channel |
CheckCaller |
This class offers simple methods to protect a method based on the calling method.
Config |
Manages common configuration parameters for all entity instances.
Console |
This destination step implementation sends messages to the standard output console
of the system.
Data |
Inert representation of mutable data.
Database |
This entity represents a JDBC connection to a database.
Database.PooledConnection |
This class is a wrapper around a java.sql.Connection class to be used with the
pooled Database.Type .
Database.Type |
Superclass for all database entities.
Debug |
This class can be used from anywhere in the system to send troubleshooting information to be processed as data.
Discard |
This class is a specialized form of Step.Origin entity.
Discard.Cause |
The discard cause
Documented |
Provides basic documentation about a class instance so that it can be exposed to the end user.
Endpoint |
This item represents an HTTP endpoint that will produce a response to a request.
Endpoint.File |
Endpoint.File.Type |
Endpoint.Rest |
This is the base REST endpoint.
Endpoint.Rest.Type |
This is the base REST endpoint type.
Endpoint.Template |
Superclass template for endpoints
Endpoint.Type |
This is the base endpoint.
Endpoint.Websocket |
Endpoint.Websocket.Type |
Entity |
An Entity is the basic building block that composes the system.
Executor |
Manages the execution of tasks accross the system.
Executor.Task<T> |
This class represents a task that is running, is done or will run in the future.
Exportable |
Make a class representable in a JSON-like Data structure.
Factory<T extends Entity> |
The factory contains the list of all Template that can be used to create an Entity based on user input.
Filter |
Filter.Request |
Filter.Response |
Filter.Type |
Flow |
This entity represents a data flow.
Flow.Type |
Superclass template for flows
Functions |
This collection of classes are extensions to the default java.util.function package.
Functions.BiConsumer<A,B> |
Represents an operation that accepts two input arguments and returns no result.
Functions.BiFunction<A,B,R> |
Represents a function that accepts two arguments and produces a result.
Functions.BiPredicate<A,B> |
Represents a predicate of two arguments.
Functions.Consumer<A> |
Represents an operation that accepts one input argument and returns no result.
Functions.Function<A,R> |
Represents a function that accepts one argument and produces a result.
Functions.Predicate<A> |
Represents a predicate of one argument.
Functions.QuadriConsumer<A,B,C,D> |
Represents an operation that accepts four input arguments and returns no result.
Functions.QuadriFunction<A,B,C,D,R> |
Represents a function that accepts four arguments and produces a result.
Functions.QuadriPredicate<A,B,C,D> |
Represents a predicate of four argument.
Functions.Runnable |
Runnable that can throw an exeption
Functions.Supplier<R> |
Supplier that can throw an exeption
Functions.TriConsumer<A,B,C> |
Represents an operation that accepts three input arguments and returns no result.
Functions.TriFunction<A,B,C,R> |
Represents a function that accepts three arguments and produces a result.
Functions.TriPredicate<A,B,C> |
Represents a predicate of three argument.
Group |
This item plays a role in the definition of the Security .
Group.Type |
Superclass for all group entities.
Hardware |
Represents (virtual) hardware resources that the Java Virtual Machine is currently running on.
Hardware.CPU |
Hardware.RAM |
Hardware.RAM.Heap |
Heap space
Hardware.RAM.NonHeap |
Non-heap space
Hardware.RAM.Physical |
Http |
Simple http request fetcher.
Http.Error |
Represents an HTTP Error code with possibly a body response.
HttpException |
HttpResponse |
HttpServer |
Internal |
This annotation is used to specify that some classes, methods or else are considered internal and should not be used
even though for practical reasons they may be declared as public or protected.
Item<T extends Entity> |
Represents a cohesive unit combining an Entity and its associated Template .
Json |
Fault tolerant JSON encoder/decoder
Lifecycle |
The lifecycle manager should be considered as a global event bus for different application phases.
Lifecycle.Phase |
The different application phases.
Logger |
This entity manages the logs of the entire system.
Manager<T extends Manager.Type> |
This class acts as a central registry for entities that must have only one authoritative instance.
Manager.Type |
Basic manager entity superclass
Message |
A Message is the common data container that convey information across the system.
Mime |
Simple mime type utility
Monitor |
This manager can be used to record monitoring information.
Monitor.MonitorTimer |
Network |
Creates and manages network connections
Network.Connection |
This class represents an established network connection ready read and write data.
Network.SecurityOptions |
This class represents a set of security options that can be applied to secure a Network.Connection .
Network.Server |
This class represents a listening server connection ready to accept clients.
Parameter |
This class represents an initialization parameter for an Entity .
Parameter.Format |
Parameter.Rule |
Plugin |
This class serves as a service provider for the system extension plugins.
Policy |
This item plays a role in the definition of the Security .
Policy.Allow |
A policy that validates the rule to allow access.
Policy.Allow.Type |
Policy.Deny |
A policy that validates the rule to deny access.
Policy.Deny.Type |
Policy.TargetedAllow |
A policy that validates the rule to allow access for specific target users, roles or groups.
Policy.TargetedAllow.Type |
Policy.TargetedDeny |
A policy that validates the rule to deny access for specific target users, roles or groups.
Policy.TargetedDeny.Type |
Policy.TargetedPolicy |
Base policy that can apply to multiple targets: User , Role , or Group .
Policy.TargetedPolicy.Type |
Superclass for all targeted policy entities.
Policy.Type |
Superclass for all policy entities.
Probe |
A probe represents any type of information that can be fetched at any point in time.
Probe.Type |
Protocols |
This class can be used to register multiple protocol schemes usable via the URL class.
Provider |
This item plays a role in the definition of the Security .
Provider.Local |
Provider.Local.Type |
Provider.Remote |
Provider.Type |
Superclass for all provider entities.
Queue |
This class represents a queue that can subscribe to one or more topics.
Queue.Type |
This is the default entity to manage the orchestration of the different messages.
Registry<T extends Entity> |
The registry contains the list of all Entity that have been populated based on user input.
Relationship |
This class defines the type of relationship an Entity may have with other entities.
Role |
This item plays a role in the definition of the Security .
Role.Type |
Superclass for all role entities.
Router |
Rule |
This item plays a role in the definition of the Security .
Rule.And |
Rule.And.Type |
Rule.AskProviders |
Rule.AskProviders.Type |
Rule.Group |
Rule.Group.Type |
Rule.MatchAll |
Rule.MatchAll.Type |
Rule.MatchAttribute |
Rule.MatchAttribute.Type |
Rule.MatchContext |
Rule.MatchContext.Type |
Rule.MatchNone |
Rule.MatchNone.Type |
Rule.Not |
Rule.Not.Type |
Rule.Or |
Rule.Or.Type |
Rule.Role |
Rule.Role.Type |
Rule.Type |
Superclass for all role entities.
Rule.Xor |
Rule.Xor.Type |
Scheduled |
This class represents an origin step that is activated at regular interval.
Scheduled.Type |
Scheduler |
Manages execution of scheduled tasks.
Scheduler.Cron |
A task that should be executed at regular interval.
Scheduler.Cron.Type |
Security |
Manages the global security settings in the system and defines the common
behavior of the different security requirements.
Snapshot |
Manages restore points of the system.
Snapshot.ModuleAwareBiConsumer |
This class is used to track the owning module of the handler.
Snapshotable |
Make an Entity serializable to a JSON-like Data structure to be used in the snapshot/restore mechanism.
Snapshotable.SnapshotMode |
Defines the behavior of entities during snapshot and restore operations.
Step |
Step.Action |
This entity represents an Action taken against data.
Step.Action.Type |
Represents the type definition for a Step.Action , including
its processing logic.
Step.Destination |
This class represents the Destination of data.
Step.Destination.Type |
Represents the type definition for a Step.Destination , including
its processing logic.
Step.Origin |
This class represents the Origin of data.
Step.Origin.Background |
This class represents a data Origin that runs in the background in order to collect data and inject it in the system.
Step.Origin.NetworkClient |
This class represents a data Origin that connects to a remote network endpoint to fetch data.
Step.Origin.NetworkServer |
This class represents a data Origin that listens for network data.
Step.Origin.Type |
Represents the type definition for a Step.Origin , including its
message generation logic.
Step.ROLE |
Step.Template |
Template for all step entities
Step.Type |
Represents the core processing logic for a step in the workflow.
Storage |
The Storage entity can be used to persist some content using a typical directory structure.
Storage.Database |
Storage.Database.Type |
Storage.File |
Storage.File.Type |
Storage.Memory |
Storage.Memory.Type |
Storage.Type |
Superclass for all storage entities.
StringUtils |
Simple fast alternatives to regular String operations
Template<T extends Entity> |
A Template is used to document and create an Entity from user input.
Timeout |
This manager is keeping track of elements that expire or should be triggered after a specified amount of time.
Timeout.Tracker<T> |
Token |
Tokens play a role in the definition of the Security .
Topic |
This class represents a publishing topic for messages.
Topic.Type |
Translator |
Manages the translation of text intented for end-users.
Tuples |
This collection of classes that can group different Objects together.
Tuples.Quadruple<A,B,C,D> |
A wrapper for four values
Tuples.Single<A> |
A wrapper for one value
Tuples.Triple<A,B,C> |
A wrapper for three values
Tuples.Tuple<A,B> |
A wrapper for two values
User |
This item plays a role in the definition of the Security .
User.Type |
Superclass for all user entities.
Vault |
The Vault is meant to store sensitive information in a secure manner, typically encrypted.