Module aeonics.core

Class Entity

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Default constructor that checks if the entity has been created using a Template.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      Entity addRelation​(java.lang.String relationship, Entity entity)
      Adds a relation to the provided entity
      Entity addRelation​(java.lang.String relationship, Entity entity, Data parameters)
      Adds a relation to the provided entity
      Entity addRelation​(java.lang.String relationship, java.lang.String entity)
      Adds a relation to the provided entity
      <T extends Entity>
      Performs an unsafe cast to the specified subtype.
      java.lang.String category()
      Returns the category of this entity.
      void clearRelation​(java.lang.String relationship)
      Clears all related entities for the specified relationship
      void config​(java.lang.String key, Data value)
      This method is a callback function that will be called by the Config manager when the configured value changes.
      protected Data context()
      Returns the current context
      int countRelations()
      Returns the number of relationship types that this entity contains.
      int countRelations​(java.lang.String name)
      Returns the number of active relations for the target relationship type.
      void defineRelation​(Relationship value)
      Defines a new relationship for this entity.
      boolean equals​(java.lang.Object other)
      Checks if two entities are equal.
      Data export()
      The default entity export implementation includes informational metadata fields as well as all declared parameters() and all declared relationships().
      <R extends Entity>
      firstRelation​(java.lang.String name)
      Fetches the first relation entity.
      int hashCode()  
      boolean hasRelation​(java.lang.String relationship, Entity entity)
      Returns whether or not this entity is related to the specified one
      java.lang.String id()
      Returns the unique entity id.
      boolean internal()
      Returns whether or not this entity is considered internal to the system.
      <T extends Entity>
      internal​(boolean value)
      Sets whether or not this entity is considered internal to the system.
      java.lang.String name()
      Returns this entity name
      <T extends Entity>
      name​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets this entity name.
      Callback<Data,​Entity> onCreate()
      Event callback called when the entity has been created by the template.
      Callback<java.lang.Void,​Entity> onRemove()
      Event callback called when the entity is removed from the registry.
      Callback<Data,​Entity> onUpdate()
      Event callback called when the entity has been updated by the template.
      <T extends Entity>
      parameter​(java.lang.String parameter, java.lang.Object value)
      Sets the value of the specified parameter.
      <R extends Entity>
      relations​(java.lang.String name)
      Fetches all related entities from the registry along with the relation properties.
      java.util.Set<java.lang.String> relationships()
      Returns the list of relationships of this entity instance.
      void removeRelation​(java.lang.String relationship, Entity entity)
      Removes a relation with the specified entity
      Data snapshot()
      The default entity snapshot implementation includes the required metadata fields to be used by the Template to restore it.
      Snapshotable.SnapshotMode snapshotMode()
      Returns whether or not this entity should be included in snapshots.
      Template<Entity> template()
      Fetches the template associated with this entity.
      java.lang.String type()
      Returns the type of this entity.
      Data valueOf​(java.lang.String parameter)
      Returns the value of the specified parameter using the current context() information.
      Data valueOf​(java.lang.String parameter, Data context)
      Returns the value of the specified parameter with the specified contextual information.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • Entity

        public Entity()
        Default constructor that checks if the entity has been created using a Template.
        java.lang.IllegalCallerException - if the constructor has not been called through a Template
    • Method Detail

      • cast

        public <T extends Entity> T cast()
        Performs an unsafe cast to the specified subtype.

        This method is useful when using the chained method flow with templates:

         new Item().template().create() // <-- returns a generic Entity
             .<MySubclass>cast() // <-- unsafe cast
        Type Parameters:
        T - the return type
      • id

        public java.lang.String id()
        Returns the unique entity id. The id is initialized when the entity is created.
        the entity id
      • category

        public java.lang.String category()
        Returns the category of this entity. This property should be the StringUtils.toLowerCase(Class) of the entity's category type. It is used to register instances in the proper registry category. The category should always be lower case.
        the entity category
        See Also:
      • type

        public java.lang.String type()
        Returns the type of this entity. This property should be the StringUtils.toLowerCase(Class) of the entity's supertype. It is used by the snapshot system to find the proper factory to build instances of this class. The type should always be lower case.
        the entity category
        See Also:
      • template

        public Template<Entity> template()
        Fetches the template associated with this entity.
        the template associated with this entity
        See Also:
      • internal

        public boolean internal()
        Returns whether or not this entity is considered internal to the system. Internal entities cannot be removed from the Registry.
        whether or not this entity is internal
      • internal

        public <T extends Entity> T internal​(boolean value)
        Sets whether or not this entity is considered internal to the system. Internal entities cannot be removed from the Registry.
        Type Parameters:
        T - this
        value - whether or not this entity is internal
      • name

        public java.lang.String name()
        Returns this entity name
        this entity name
      • name

        public <T extends Entity> T name​(java.lang.String value)
        Sets this entity name.
        Type Parameters:
        T - this
        value - this entity name
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object other)
        Checks if two entities are equal.

        Entities are considered equal if their category and id() match.

        equals in class java.lang.Object
        other - the entity to compare
        true if the entities are equal
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class java.lang.Object
      • context

        protected Data context()
        Returns the current context
        the current context
      • valueOf

        public Data valueOf​(java.lang.String parameter)
        Returns the value of the specified parameter using the current context() information.
        parameter - the parameter name
        the parameter value or an empty data if the parameter value is not set or the parameter does not exist for this entity.
      • valueOf

        public Data valueOf​(java.lang.String parameter,
                            Data context)
        Returns the value of the specified parameter with the specified contextual information.
        parameter - the parameter name
        context - the context used for binding
        the parameter value or an empty data if the parameter value is not set or the parameter does not exist for this entity.
      • parameter

        public <T extends Entity> T parameter​(java.lang.String parameter,
                                              java.lang.Object value)
        Sets the value of the specified parameter.

        Caution: using this method manually will bypass the Template.update(Data, Entity) and will ignore the potential onUpdate handlers.

        Type Parameters:
        T - this entity type
        parameter - the parameter name
        value - the new value
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the provided value does not pass parameter validation
        See Also:
      • relationships

        public java.util.Set<java.lang.String> relationships()
        Returns the list of relationships of this entity instance.
        the list of relationships
      • defineRelation

        public void defineRelation​(Relationship value)
        Defines a new relationship for this entity.
        value - the relationship
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the relationship already exists
      • countRelations

        public int countRelations()
        Returns the number of relationship types that this entity contains.
        the number of relationship types that this entity contains
      • countRelations

        public int countRelations​(java.lang.String name)
        Returns the number of active relations for the target relationship type.
        name - the name of the relationship
        the number of active relations for the target relationship type.
      • relations

        public <R extends Entity> java.lang.Iterable<Tuples.Tuple<R,​Data>> relations​(java.lang.String name)
        Fetches all related entities from the registry along with the relation properties. The returned iteratory may include null entity component.
        Type Parameters:
        R - The related entity type
        name - the name of the relationship
        an iterable list of all related entities and the relation properties
      • firstRelation

        public <R extends Entity> R firstRelation​(java.lang.String name)
        Fetches the first relation entity.
        Type Parameters:
        R - The related entity type
        name - the name of the relationship
        the first entity found for that relation, or null if none are found
      • addRelation

        public Entity addRelation​(java.lang.String relationship,
                                  Entity entity)
        Adds a relation to the provided entity
        relationship - the relationship name
        entity - the related entity
        this for chaining
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the relationship does not exist, or the provided entity does not match the relation type, or the relationship requires some parameters
        java.lang.RuntimeException - if the maximum number of relations is reached
      • addRelation

        public Entity addRelation​(java.lang.String relationship,
                                  java.lang.String entity)
        Adds a relation to the provided entity
        relationship - the relationship name
        entity - the related entity name or id
        this for chaining
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the relationship does not exist, or the provided entity does not match the relation type, or the relationship requires some parameters
        java.lang.RuntimeException - if the maximum number of relations is reached
      • addRelation

        public Entity addRelation​(java.lang.String relationship,
                                  Entity entity,
                                  Data parameters)
        Adds a relation to the provided entity
        relationship - the relationship name
        entity - the related entity
        parameters - the relationship parameters as a data object. Only matching properties are preserved.
        this for chaining
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the relationship does not exist, or the provided entity does not match the relation type, or the parameters do not pass validation
        java.lang.RuntimeException - if the maximum number of relations is reached
      • hasRelation

        public boolean hasRelation​(java.lang.String relationship,
                                   Entity entity)
        Returns whether or not this entity is related to the specified one
        relationship - the relationship name
        entity - the related entity
        true if this entity is related to the target one, false otherwise
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the relationship does not exist
        java.lang.RuntimeException - if the minimum number of relations is reached
      • removeRelation

        public void removeRelation​(java.lang.String relationship,
                                   Entity entity)
        Removes a relation with the specified entity
        relationship - the relationship name
        entity - the related entity
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the relationship does not exist
        java.lang.RuntimeException - if the minimum number of relations is reached
      • clearRelation

        public void clearRelation​(java.lang.String relationship)
        Clears all related entities for the specified relationship
        relationship - the relationship name
      • config

        public void config​(java.lang.String key,
                           Data value)
        This method is a callback function that will be called by the Config manager when the configured value changes. The registration is usually performed by the Template that creates new instance of entities, but it can also be done manually using the, method. The default implementation of this method does nothing and shall be overridden to add support for dynamic changes.
        key - the config key
        value - the new value
      • onRemove

        public Callback<java.lang.Void,​Entity> onRemove()
        Event callback called when the entity is removed from the registry. This is supposed to happen only once. You should Callback.then(aeonics.util.Functions.BiConsumer) this event handler to subscribe to events.
        the onRemove event handler
      • export

        public Data export()
        The default entity export implementation includes informational metadata fields as well as all declared parameters() and all declared relationships().

        If there are potentially private or confidential data returned by the default implementation, you should override it and modify the result before returning it.

        Note that you may provide your own custom implementation although it may introduce inconsistencies with the frontent application in case of unexpected format or missing information. Therefore, it is always prefeable to call super.export() and manipulate the result instead.

        Specified by:
        export in interface Exportable
        a public data representation of this class instance
      • snapshotMode

        public Snapshotable.SnapshotMode snapshotMode()
        Returns whether or not this entity should be included in snapshots. This is different from internal() in that this entity will be totally omitted if false.

        This method returns true by default.

        Specified by:
        snapshotMode in interface Snapshotable
        true if this entity should be included in snapshots.
      • snapshot

        public Data snapshot()
        The default entity snapshot implementation includes the required metadata fields to be used by the Template to restore it. It also includes all declared parameters() and all declared relationships().

        If this behavior is sufficient, you do not need to override this method. If there is additionnal data to be included in (or removed from) the output, then you should override this method, call the super.snapshot() and work on the returned data.

        You may provide your own custom implementation although it may introduce inconsistencies with the rest of the system.

        In order to safeguard the potentially private or confidential data returned by this method out of necessity, a check on the caller is performed to allow only the current Snapshot implementation to call this method.

        Specified by:
        snapshot in interface Snapshotable
        a snapshot data representation of this class instance